Revelation > Information

The Lord is saying to His people, revelation is more than information. You delight in my revelation. You receive my words, you catch insights as I give them to you, you love sharing my perspectives. But the thrill of revelation is not meant to leave frustration in your soul.

I want you to know that when I give revelation, I intend to do more than simply inform you. My desire is also to minister comfort and strength to you. Many of you have missed my heart in this, and you feel unsettled. You know things that matter. You have insight into situations, but hear this: When I impart knowledge, I also minister the grace to work with it. When you listen to my voice, you also need to share my heart. Linger a while when I speak, and let me minister my heart into yours. Then you will be able to impart clarity and blessing to others. 

From this day on, I want you to seek me, not just for what I can reveal to you, but for what I want to minister into you.




Read Matthew 16:13-20

Peter, the uneducated fisherman, had received the revelation of a lifetime. There's no doubt Peter had witnessed Jesus up close for the past few years, that he had a good idea of who this man he followed really was. Still, when Peter opens his mouth in response to the 'Who do you say I am? question that Jesus poses, Peter's words are nothing short of heaven-scripted.

'You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.'

And I wonder, what if Peter had received that revelation, yet never brought it out in that moment with Jesus? What if those words were given primarily that the truth about Jesus might resound on earth and thus bring joy to the Father in Heaven? Or was the declaration intended especially to fortify the heart of the Son of God? Could it be that by this stage in his journey, Jesus longed or even needed to hear his Sonship affirmed by one of His dearest friends?

If so, Peter was faithful with the revelation he'd been given.

And yet, it didn't end there. What if Peter had simply answered Jesus' question and then changed the topic? What if he had heard the words, 'Yes! You are blessed,' and moved on, not perceiving how much more God had to say on the topic - how God longed to speak into Peter's identity as well. Did Peter even know how much his own soul needed some affirmation of it's own?

But Peter does linger, and in so doing, more is imparted than he ever imagined. Now Jesus adds to the revelation. 'It has been revealed to you who I am. Now let me reveal to you who you are,' He essentially says, and then proceeds to tell Peter these famous words:

'You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.'

For a man who had been a fisherman, left his hometown and followed Jesus recklessly, receiving that information would be incredibly helpful - finally there was some focus to bring to his rather erratic life. But God wanted to do more than simply let Peter in on His mission statement. In saying those words, He wanted to minister something right into Peter's soul - to impart strength and confidence into Peter's shaky being, and to reassure him that, however volatile he may feel, he belonged in an established, enduring, purpose of God.

Revelation is so much more than information!



Take time to hear from God. What is He saying to you today? Is there a scripture He is highlighting to you, or a word in your spirit that resonates with His?

How could you first take that word and offer it back to bless the heart of God?

Now, let His words go deeper, until they enrich your soul and strengthen your heart. How do those words minister to you today?

As you linger in His presence, do you get an idea of who else the words might be intended for? What is God's desire in giving this revelation?