RESOUND: The Lord is saying, 'You need to bless your boundaries.'

(Anya McKee, Torn Curtain Collective)

There are parents who are diligently setting boundaries for your children, but those boundary lines have ended up being a cause of angst, frustration and conflict. They feel restrictive and seem to be working against you. God is saying, 'Bless Your Boundaries. Bless the boundaries you have set. Declare that your boundary lines will not divide you, but unite you.'

There are people who have set boundaries on what they believe or know, people whose experiences have defined them or hemmed them in. God is saying, 'Bless your boundaries. Declare that the boundary lines must fall only in pleasant places - not places of despair or arrogance or vulnerability or harm.'

Wherever there is a perimeter - around your church congregation or community, your business, your circle of friends, your emotional capacity, your worship and what that looks like, your obedience or faith, and particularly, the boundaries of your love - BLESS YOUR BOUNDARIES!

The Lord wants all your boundary lines to fall to you in pleasant places today.

Psalm 16:6 'My boundary lines fall in pleasant places.'